Understanding LSTM — a tutorial into Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks
Paper SourceJournal:
Year: 2019
Author: Ralf C. Staudemeyer, Eric Rothstein Morris
Long Short-Term Memory #
Recurrent Neural Networks
Recurrent Neural Network
An RNN model is typically used to process long sequential data like video, audio, etc. A simple RNN looks like:
However, simple perceptron neurons that linearly combine the current input element and the last unit state may easily lose the long-term dependencies. Standard RNN cannot bridge more than 5–10 time steps. This is due to that back-propagated error signals tend to either grow or shrink with every time, which makes it struggle to learn. There is where LSTM comes into the picture.
LSTM Networks
LSTMs is the short name of Long Short Term Memory networks that is explicitly designed to avoid the long-term dependency problem.
We can see from the above picture that it has multi-neural network layer in each recurrent unit.
RL_Paper_05:Hierarchical RL
Paper SourceJournal:
Year: 2017
Institute: OpenAI
Author: Kevin Frans, Jonathan Ho, Xi Chen, Pieter Abbeel, John Schulman
Deep Reinforcement Learning #
Meta Learning
Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithms
Paper SourceJournal:
Year: 2017
Institute: OpenAI
Author: John Schulman, Filip Wolski, Prafulla Dhariwal, Alec Radford, Oleg Klimov
Deep Reinforcement Learning #
Policy Gradient
PPO(Proximal Policy Optimization), a much simpler to implement, better sample complexity, policy gradient method that has a novel objective with clipped problability ratios, which forms a pessimistic estimate of the performance of the policy ($\theta_{old}$ is the vector of policy parameters before the update).
RL Weekly 1
Unsupervised State Representation Learning in Atari
[Paper] [Code]Journal: NeurIPS
Year: 2019
Institute: Mila, Université de Montréa
Author:Ankesh Anand*, Evan Racah*, Sherjil Ozair*
State Representation Learning #
Constrastive Self-Supervised Learning
State representation learning without supervision from rewards is a challenging open problem. This paper proposes a new contrastive state representation learning method called Spatiotemporal DeepInfomax (ST-DIM) that leverages recent advances in self-supervision and learns state representations by maximizing the mutual information across spatially and temporally distinct features of a neural encoder of the observations.
Rainbow: Combining Improvements in Deep Reinforcement Learning
Paper SourceJournal: AAAI
Year: 2017
Institute: DeepMind
Author: Matteo Hessel, Joseph Modayil, Hado van Hasselt
Deep Reinforcement Learning
This paper examines six main extensions to DQN algorithm and empirically studies their combination. (It is a good paper which gives you a summary of several important technologies to alleviate the problems remaining in DQN and provides you some valuable insights in this research region.)Baseline: Deep Q-Network(DQN) Algorithm Implementation in CS234 Assignment 2
Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning
Paper SourceJournal: Nature
Year: 2015
Institute: DeepMind
Author: Volodymyr Mnih1*, Koray Kavukcuoglu1*, David Silver1*
Deep Reinforcement Learning(DRL)
To use reinforcement learning successfully in situations approaching real-world complexity, however, agents are confronted with a difficult task: they must derive efficient representations of the environment from high-dimensional sensory inputs, and use these to generalize past experience to new situations.Remarkably, humans andother animals seem to solve this problem through a harmonious combination of reinforcement learning and hierarchical sensory processing systems, the former evidenced by a wealth of neural data revealing notable parallels between the phasic signals emitted by dopaminergic neurons and temporal difference reinforcement learning algorithms.RL_Paper_01:Self-Regulated Learning
Aerobatics Control of Flying Creatures via Self-Regulated Learning
Paper SourceJournal: ACM Transactions on Graphics
Year: 2018
Institute: Seoul National University, South Korea
Physics-Based Controller #
Deep Reinforcement Learning(DRL) #
Self-Regulated Learning
Self-Regulated Learning (SRL), which is combined with DRL to address the aerobatics control problem. The key idea of SRL is to allow the agent to take control over its own learning using an additional self-regulation policy. The policy allows the agent to regulate its goals according to the capability of the current control policy. The control and self-regulation policies are learned jointly along the progress of learning. Self-regulated learning can be viewed as building its own curriculum and seeking compromise on the goals.